Speed in Music

The term used for referring to speed in music is called Tempo. How can one identify whether a tempo is fast or slow? This is a individual preference. For a individual, if the music beats is faster than the heart rate of the listener – then the listener will find the music is fast paced.

Similarly, for a slow paced music, the beats occur slower compared to the listener’s heart rate.

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2 thoughts on “Speed in Music

  1. Chandu June 13, 2013 at 7:32 pm Reply

    Sashank, its really nice to be back on your blog.
    Your health depends on the rate your heart beats at.
    This just simply proves music can cure some diseases. At least gives peace of mind which is starting point for a good life and ending point too! 🙂

  2. Sashank Bhogu June 14, 2013 at 2:01 pm Reply

    nice to see your comment Chandu 🙂 referring to your comment on music, i am reminded of a line from the movie – shankarabharanam –
    advaita siddhiki, amaratva labdhiki gaaname sopanamoo..

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